Sunday, May 30, 2010

Things That Make You Go HMMMMMMM

The media continues to scream cutbacks/increased taxing by various levels of government. What makes me go OHMYGAWD! is the thought that with a 10% unemployment rate our city and state government can't survive. Like, OMG.... was it so fragile it can't survive a 5% decrease in funding? What the hell is going on, any damn way?

Okay, I can hear the imaginary numbers people saying wait a minute. you said 10% unemployment rate but a 5% decrease in funding. Hey stupid. That doesn't add up. Well, my little chickadees, it does add up if you start with the "normal" unemployment rate of 5% which is fairly constant. That means the increased decrease in funding is 5%. (I've rounded up or down, as the case may be, to simplify things for me because I'm not a math/numbers person. And I'm spending way too much time, explaining myself.)

How much of this funding issue is due to mismanagement? Will all the incompetent people please step down. You know who you are. (This should pretty much empty the council room.)

While speaking of governments, let me babble on a little about our city government. Where the hell did these people come from? Is it a case of "oh gee, I can't seem to be able to do anything so I better go into politics to make a living."

We've managed to vote in a real winner for mayor. He's a proven liar and he has demonstrated his poor decision making skills by getting caught in a sex scandal. With an intern, no less. Talk about shitting where you eat. EEUUUU! (There's also a question of underaged sex, but it couldn't be verified.) How smart is that?! Zip up you're damn pants when you're on the job!

I think what has really pissed off the voters, though, is that this mayor took money from the water bureau to fund painting bike lanes around the city. Our sewer charges are out of sight as it is, and he's taking money from them like its his own personal bank account. And guess what we're facing now? Yup, another hike in our water/sewer rates. The mayor must have some more bike lanes to paint and maintain, the little trucker!

On to another commissioner... I was watching the news one evening. They were showing video of a large fire and who's standing on the roof with some of the firefighters? The damn commissioner who oversees the fire department. WTF? Apparently he use to be a firefighter, but that in no way makes it okay for him to get in the way of the REAL firefighters. They have to worry about his stupid ass instead of paying close attention to what they're doing. What a stupid juvenile thing to do... like, what the hell??!!

Although I'm stupid enough to become a politian, I'm at least smart enough to stay the hell away from politics. You know, except for voicing my opinion.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Soul suckers. The leeches are sucking me dry!