Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do You Feel Outrage?

The police beating of the University of Maryland student after a basketball game, the beating that was caught on tape... do you feel outrage? I feel OUTRAGE!!!

(you can read about it here and see the video while the article is available online.)

I hope the student wins his lawsuit and wins BIG. Then I hope the officers involved lose their jobs immediately. And I also hope that those most guilty get thrown in jail or prison. Lets see how big and bad they are then, the dirty little thugs in uniform. Its outrageous. If they get away with this, then we need to just shut up and prepare to live in a police state.

Next on the list is the chief of police, the commissioner, followed by the mayor. Shit travels downhill. If this kind of conduct happens its because its condoned by the bosses.

I hope the other students who got beaten by the police (to set examples) also sue and win.

This kind of outrage has gone on forever, only now we have video cameras.... all over the place. Perhaps with more cameras, we'll get more of the truth.

Around my neck of the woods, cops have been doing a lot of killings lately. Based on my limited knowledge of what truly happens (relying on the media and we all know how accurate that is), a few of them seemed warranted for the safety of all in the area. The rest of them, not so much. If you are mentally ill, or you know someone who is, NEVER call the cops for help should there be a crisis of sort. If you do call them, start looking in the phone book for a funeral home because you are likely to need one. The cops shoot first and ask questions later. And there's no such thing as innocent until proven guilty. Unless, of course, you are a police officer. Then you're a god.

Be outraged! Be outraged and let your public "servants" know you are outraged.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Don't Want To

I don't want to help you raise your kids, damn it. You got 'em, you deal. It was your choice. I had no say in it.

I don't want to be the solver of all your problems. You made the choices, you solve the problems. Don't come to me and try to dump it in my lap cause I'm standing up. And now your friends come to me to solve their problems?! F**k No!

If you don't have the money, then learn to do without. That's what I have to do. Are you so precious you think you are entitled to an easy ride? Life is not an easy ride.

I don't want to spend all day driving back and forth across the entire city five different times. All of a sudden your babysitter's problem is now my problem? I don't think so. Solve it yourself.

And I don't want to hear your angry stomping around because baby... you ain't heard any stomping yet. You do not want me to get started. I'll stomp all over your ass.

And, damn it, I am not going to feel guilty about it, either!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Harmful Products

Does China make ANYTHING that won't kill you? Or maim you? Now its drywall making people sick and damaging metal (plumbing, computers, jewelry, etc.) What the hell is going on, anyway. Why are we still letting China products into the country without thorough testings first? oh... wait. It affects companies profit margins.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The US has captured some pirates off the coast of Kenya. Upon reading the headlines I'm thinking good... a few less pirates on the seas for a while. But when I read the article all I could think was huh? Here's an excerpt:

The USS Nicholas was just west of the Seychelles in international waters Thursday when crew began taking fire from a suspected pirate skiff, NBC News reported. The Nicholas returned fire and disabled the pirate boat, then pursued the skiff until it finally broke down.

A few men in a tiny skiff fired shots at a US naval vessal... WTF? Did someone's nose just grow longer? Are these men that stupid? The naval ship is just sitting out there minding its own business when they were viciously attacked by a few men in a skiff. I repeat... WTF?

I think these details are suspicious. I can see the US ship spotting the pirates (or even tracking them down) and taking them out, but it looks like the navy is trying to play the nonaggressor role.

Sumpin doesn't seem right....