Thursday, December 25, 2008

Have You Noticed?

Bush's administration has not done anything for the little guy in this economic mess? He's only given money to the big corporations so they can continue to pay their execs. They've lowered interest rates to try to boost the economy but they have done nothing for the citizens. The people who happen to have homes that are still assessed to be worth more than the current mortgage can refinance to reduce their interest... but I've not heard of anything to help those whose home value has plummetted below their current mortgage. Nothing.

What they did do was to ignore those who predicted this would happen... those who tried to alert those who were suppose to pay attention. The government doesn't give a shit about the people. But they do seem to care a great deal about corporations. the people, for the people. bwah ha ha ha ha ha What a frigging joke that is!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Legal Crooks!

The feds, in particular the IRS, are the biggest bunch of crooks ever! I can see why someone might do something terribly drastic because of their antics. Maybe the whole system needs to collapse. Maybe we need to scratch everything and start all over. However, finding decent and HONEST people who are not greedy would be very difficult.

My IRS payment is late because I could not get to the mail box to send it on its way. I was hoping to do a pay-by-check over the phone but they don't do that. You have to go through some other company and pay them a fee. Spreading the wealth.

Well, my payment is already late so I guess its going to be a few more days cause I'm not paying more to make a payment. Try to do right and it costs you. Try to do wrong and it costs you. They need to appreciate the little guy who is giving them all the money to fight Bush's illegal wars, give out all those pork barrel projects, etc.

I'm fuming.

And if you're interested in why I have back taxes to pay, its because I used the wrong tax table. It was not because I was trying to get out of anything. I'm too poor to get out of anything. I need to be rich to catch a break. MFs!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Different Worlds

Many of us live in completely different worlds... different realities. I guess its all relative in the end, but I almost crap my pants when watching tv shows with affordable Christmas gifts. Doing Christmas on a shoe-string kind of thing. Well, we sure have different shoe strings.

"You can get this holiday dress for only $99.99." That's almost my entire food budget for the month.

"This toy for a young girl is only $59." That's a car insurance payment.

"Here are some stocking stuffers for only $9.99" You mean that's not the main gift?!

Pardon me while I cough out "WTF?!" But in all fairness, if I made $5 million a year these, indeed, would be inexpensive gifts. Its all relative.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

$38 Million a Year?! WTF!!?!!!

That's what Russ Limbaugh gets paid.... $38 million a year. What the hell has gone wrong with this world!!? That's probably more than some third world country's worth. He gets paid this amount of money a year to spread hate and spite. Does the same thing happen in other industrial countries?

And here I am listening to someone on tv trying to get people to donate even a $1 to help sick children. Teachers get what? $30-40 thousand and Russ is raking in this obscene amount for being an ignorant big-mouth hate monger taking his illegal viagra as he vacations with all his MALE friends.

I just can't believe how screwed up the world has become. Holy Cow Batman!! What a bunch of frigging bullshit.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


COLUMBIA, S.C. - A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion, and supporting him "constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil."

The Rev. Jay Scott Newman said in a letter distributed Sunday to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville that they are putting their souls at risk if they take Holy Communion before doing penance for their vote.

I repeat... WTF?!?!

"Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exits constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ's Church and under the judgment of divine law. Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation."

The full msn article can be found here.

HOW DARE HE!!! How dare he manipulate and use God for his own beliefs. How dare he try to be the gatekeeper to God. Is he worried about the Catholic Church running out of little boys for its pedophile priestS!!!! Are we living in the middle ages? Will this priest next burn people alive at the stake? HOW DARE HE!!

I'm fumming so much I can't even get a clear sentence out. Maybe this priest needs to have a heart attack and be taken to the hospital only to have the doctor refuse to treat him because he voted republican. Would he get the point?

Somebody needs to get this asshole outta there. The church is still trying to recover from all the pedophile charges against ITS priests... now this. This is exactly why church and state should be kept separate. This person is just an example of the kind of manipulation of the bible people have made over centuries. I'm just agast!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bonus for the Bailed Outs?

I just saw a news story pointing out that its time for the execs of the companies getting bailed out to get their yearend bonus. They showed one at $700K down from over a million last year. WTF?!?!

When Barney Frank was asked how this could be happening, why the loopholes, he replied something along the lines that he thought the companies would do the right thing on their own. WHAT THE HELL? IS BARNEY FRANK A COMPLETE IDIOT?? Apparently. Seems the whole country is being run by frigging idiots.

These greedy bastards didn't do a very good job of keeping their companies afloat. Why the hell should they get bonuses? And they've never done the right thing. Why would even an idiot think they would do so now. I WANT THE LOOPHOLES CLOSED. If the companies don't want to go along with them, then let them fail. We need a clean start. To hell with those greedy bastards!! Take the bailout money and give it to the investors directly to compensate for their replace their retirement money.

Someone explained that if bonuses weren't given out that the best minds would leave the companies and go else where... would go to companies who did not require a bailout. WELL DUH!!! If the best minds screwed the company so badly it was going to go belly up then they need to go else where. What the hell kind of excuse is that? And how frigging stupid do you think the peasants are for gawd sake!!!!!!!!