Friday, June 25, 2010

They've Done It Again

Congress. They've done it again. You know... the politicians who claim to be looking out for our good. They defeated the bill that would allow unemployment benefits to be extended, cause everyone knows you don't give money to poor people. They just waste it on food. Then they repealed the bill that reduced the fees doctors could charge patients and we all know how much doctors need money. After all, those malpractice insurance premiums cost a pretty penny. (No need to stop the malpractice and get rid of the incompetent doctors... just buy more insurance.)

And don't get me started on the Bush/Cheney war. We're in year nine, I believe, going on ten. Ten years of war. Mission accomplished.


sandy said...

Being the mother of an unemployed son who is trying his hardest to find work, this just pisses me off.

Curse the whole government and their minions, all of them.

The Crusty Crone said...

I hear ya, Sandy.

Its been my observation that republicans vote down anything that helps individuals directly, such as unemployment benefits. However, they pass anything that puts more money in big corporations or health care industries.

Stafford Ray said...

Vote Green!