Thursday, April 1, 2010


The US has captured some pirates off the coast of Kenya. Upon reading the headlines I'm thinking good... a few less pirates on the seas for a while. But when I read the article all I could think was huh? Here's an excerpt:

The USS Nicholas was just west of the Seychelles in international waters Thursday when crew began taking fire from a suspected pirate skiff, NBC News reported. The Nicholas returned fire and disabled the pirate boat, then pursued the skiff until it finally broke down.

A few men in a tiny skiff fired shots at a US naval vessal... WTF? Did someone's nose just grow longer? Are these men that stupid? The naval ship is just sitting out there minding its own business when they were viciously attacked by a few men in a skiff. I repeat... WTF?

I think these details are suspicious. I can see the US ship spotting the pirates (or even tracking them down) and taking them out, but it looks like the navy is trying to play the nonaggressor role.

Sumpin doesn't seem right....

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