Friday, March 26, 2010

A Couple of Things

I'm so tired of people using my blog to make a couple of pennies. I'm talking about the people who leave comments on a blog post which are clearly meant to promote someone else's business. I'm being used and I don't like it. If I'm not making money from my blogs, I damn sure don't want other people to try to make money. I will delete every comment that even begins to smack of advertising. And puleeese... if your pc is set up to use the Chinese language how many people reading an English language blog will even be able to read your comments. STOP BEING SO FRIGGING LAZY AND GO GET A REGULAR JOB. If you can' work a regular job, then think of something else you can do BESIDES using other people. You stink!

And that Lohan chick. Get over yourself. Try growing up. Readers, did you think of Lindsey Lohan when you saw the e-trade commercial with the babies talking... the one that references Milk-holic Lindsey? She never once crossed my mind. How arrogant to think the world knows her by one name. Alcoholic dementia, no doubt. I hope whomever she is suing fights it to the end, even if it costs a fortune. She could end up having to pay for their legal fees. Cackle, snort.

The census... I found it interesting that the only things the government wants to know is if you are buying your home or renting and what race you are. Do you remember the previous census? I don't... I can't remember if they wanted to know if you have a mortage or not. I find it a little weird.

Seems like I should have a few more rants, but they escape me at the moment.

1 comment:

sandy said...

hahaha "seems like I should have a few more rants bu they escape me at the moment,"....

About Lilo, She was drunk and tripped the other night and fell on a cactus plant and then I guess later tweeted about how the Paparazzi pushed her into a plant. I would say denial is a big thing in her life. The online gossip rags have become a guilty pleasure lately for me so I know all the latest about Lohan's life. God that statement I just made, makes me want to puke. I never thought I would be like that.. Retirement can do strange things to a person.