Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pop Up Ads

What's up with all these irritating pop-up ads?! They're showing up on blogs, youtube, all over. And they pop-up RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. I feel like I'm a trapped wallet and all these grubby fingers are trying to force open my pockets so they can grab my folding money.

I didn't mind the side-bar ads. After all, they are what help to keep internet actives free.... but in MY FACE!! Its too much.

I feel like pretty soon all consumers will be gouged, skewered to the ground so they can't move and they will be actually forced to watch advertisements. Who am I kidding. We won't be forced to watch advertising. They just go straight to our money and forget about getting anything for it. After all, their CEOs need those million dollar bonuses. That's what capitalism is all about. Greed.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

Have you not got a Pop-Up Blocker on your puter, CC? I have. You can switch it to 'on' and it stops all that rubbish. It won't even let you open pop-ups that you've clicked on without asking. Mine is on my Yahoo toolbar. If you have a Yahoo Toolbar you can click on the little green man (on the left beside the search panel thingo) then select Add/Edit Buttons and choose Pop-Up Blocker then click on Add This Button. You then have to switch it on once it is on your toolbar. That's my Christmas present to you. If you have a different brand of toolbar, I'm sure you will be able to find one on it somewhere.