Monday, August 24, 2009

Medicare is Driving Up the Cost of Health Care

That's what a local doctor said in a meeting... that medicare was what was driving up the cost of health care. WTF?!?

The news story didn't include an explanation of how medicare was increasing costs, but the only thing I could think of was that medicare payments are lower than insurance payments. Perhaps that means the doctors have to charge other patients more. You know... so that the good doctor can buy his third vacation home in Italy.

I don't know, but I ain't buying that bridge.

Maybe its because too many people on medicare seek health care. And that means they live longer, which in turn means more doctor visits, etc. As far as I can tell, the good doctor didn't mention anything about medicare fraud. But I don't see how that could affect actual costs of treatment. Or maybe it just means the good doctor is a republican. One of those pillars of moral decency. A religious republican living in a capitalist country.

But you know what the most scariest part is.... that no matter what the profession, it doesn't automatically mean there's any intelligence. Or common sense.

Oh... maybe the good doctor has stock in insurance and/or drug companies. We all know how honest they are. Can you say AIG? Can you drool over a $30 million dollar bonus? That's what is driving up the cost of health care.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Swine Flu Outbreak?!

WTF?! The media is reporting that up to 40% of the work force could be out sick and we must take measures to be sure business continues as usual.

Again...WTF?! Damn it, I'm still waiting for the bird flu outbreak!! Remember that one? The one that was going to have a major impact on business because everyone was going to be out sick.... I'm still waiting on that sucker. Now you're trying to scare us again with this crap!! Bullshit, I say. Complete bullshit.

"Get those people lined up for flu shots. There's BIG BUCKs in this line of work. George, hype up the report you give to the news people. Gotta get people scared for this to work."

I've also heard little grumblings about that new shot to "help" prevent cervical cancer... negative results are showing up. (00) Does my surprised look seem real? I'm getting to be a better actor.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where Were They?

All the angry protestors speaking out about mandatory health care coverage... where were they when Bush was talking about invading Iraq? Where were they when the United States was on the verge of declaring war on another country? Oh sure, we had some protestors, but where were the huge, outspoken, angry mobs of people? Where were the voices saying "Not my son" or "Not my daughter?"

Perhaps they were inside counting their money.

Its interesting to watch how people react to different things. Personally, I think folks are being manipulated by the health care industry, but that's just my opinion. There's big bucks in those pills.

Monday, August 10, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Pick those suckers up and hurl them back as hard as you can...