It doesn't suck as much as a toothache or an infected sore, but it still sucks. Enough to make me mumble under my breath!
I can't get in about 7 channels. Fortunately, most are programs I would not watch anyway and one that I don't understand... but there are more than a couple that I want to be able to watch.
As my life experiences have increased over the years, so has my level of cynicism. Now I wonder if its really "for our benefit" or just another way of getting more money. And just what we need is another contraption that sucks up electricity 24/7. I don't know about others, but my converter box keeps a light on all the time. Either yellow or green. You know, so I can tell whether its in active mode or not 'cause I'm too stupid to figure it out myself.
One thing it does provide, however, is additional channels so we can be overwhelmed by commercials! Mumble mumble mumble.!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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I am not thrilled about the whole DTV situation. We bought a new TV, and we get the Spanish and televangelist channels just fine. But now, the two channels we actually liked watching before -- PBS and ABC both say, "Channel not available." Not useful to have a big black box that jusy shows us a big black screen.
Hi Valerie, Thx for commenting. I hear ya! Sorry to hear you aren't getting all the channels. PBS and ABC have some of my favorite shows, too. With a converter box I frequently rescan and move the rabbit ears a little... the channels eventually come in and usually stay for a while. I sure hope things work out for you. Its frustrating. But get the religious channels. Maybe a prayer would help. heeheehee Sorry 'bout that. Good luck to you.
Speaking to someone about the crappy reception in my area, I found out it was the government that wasn't ready. The satellite was bombarded and they weren't prepared for so many people to use it and they are frantically working on the problems. And, I've been seeing announcements go across my tv from my local stations that they will be boosting there signal and that we may even temporarily loose the station till mid august. And, some of our local stations don't even come in. So, yes it sucks and we have the government to thank. They weren't ready. I have to mess with the antenna every time I turn to another station. For a few minutes it will come in then it will block out for a few minutes. Just Lovely Isn't It?
That would explain something... the government/satellites not being ready... for the life of me I just could not swallow that the government was delaying the full implementation of digital tv in order to give the public a little more time to prepare. yeah. right. The only thing I could come up with is that the government was worried that people would not be able to be bombarded with advertisements and we all know life, as we know it, would be halted without ads being crammed down our throats or pushed into our faces. Clearly the government doesn't have a clue as to how many 'regular' tv sets out being used.
(I hate these internet ads that jump right up in the middle of the screen and there's no "x" to close it. grrrr.)
This DTV is a disaster. I was able to get more channels with my old roof top analog antennae then I can with my digital one. Then if I do get a channel in I have to hold the new digital antennae in one hand and stand on one foot and hold it just right or guess what the picture cuts up or the sound delays. The weather seems to affect it a lot worse then the old analog as well. Like if it is a bright sunny day out. Just not a very happy camper with the whole change.
Can we talk? Weather interference, indeed!!! Also timing. For example, mornings all channels come in good, afternoons they start breaking up. I figure the satellite moved.
This sure is a win-fall for the cable and dish companies. (remember when "dish" meant something to hold food; now it means tv. hmmmm)
I can relate to nearly every comment here! I can no longer get my local stations, only 3 PBS channels and one very local channel. It is constantly scambling, it looks loke a screen full of ink blots half of the time, yes digital tv sucks badly at least for me.
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The digital conversion has been a total depressing nightmare. We got many more channels during the analog era. Now we don't even get the basics like ABC. We do of course get tons of small Asian and televangelist stations. I called the FCC 800 number and the representative stated that the signal for these stations comes from the same tower as the signal for ABC. Could it be that ABC is purposely putting out a weaker signal as a scheme to manipulate more people into purchasing satellite/cable? It just seems so implausible that ABC's signal would be weaker than TV Saigon's or Armenia TV. Six months have passed since the conversion, and things have gotten worse, not better.
DTV reception with our indoor antenna has improved in the last few weeks ever since we got a software upgrade for the TV. One day I turned on the TV and a message appeared that an upgrade was being downloaded. After the download was finished, I went through the initial setup again and we went from 21 stations to 38 including PBS and ABC. There is hope.
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As of this date, 2.17.10, I can only get one channel where I used to get six. The picture is no better than it ever was and constantly pixilates (breaks up). I hope all the folks that pay for having advertising run on the five channels I no longer get read this. DIGITAL TV SUCKS!@!!!!!!
I think there is more to this story than most realize. Many other countries went digital as well.. I am in Canada and it happened here and a friend in England said it happened there. Yet I have never spoken to a person that has heard why it happened.. Many people have ideas as to why but they came up with the ideas themselves. No one from the FCC or any other goverment official has ever commented as to why. The idea was shoved down everyones throat with out discussion. There is definately more to this story. Unfortunately we live in a world of sheep in the 21st century.. Very few people are capable of independant thought so it went thru with no problems.
AND YES DIGITAL TV CERTAINLY DOES SUCK! I have had cable TV for more than 30 years and never once had reception issues. Now my tv pixilates and freezes regularly as it is doin now thru an entire hour long program
Huh, I am so mad. I want to smash my TV even though I know its not his falt. I want to break my remote by throwing it against the wall and then jumping on it. There is nothing worse then getting wrapped up in a good show and then pixels, choppiness, blackness, no signal oh and then its back and then its gone again. Digital tv sucks, its crap and I hate it. Put things back the way it was before!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to see others think the same way. What was the purpose of switching to DTV? Better picture? The old analog was just fine, and if your station was weak, you could still see it. You can't even get local channels 2-13 anymore. I think this was a conspiracy by the cable providers, or the senators got a big fat bribe to authorize this. I have cable, but when the cable goes out (often), I could hook up the antennae and at least see the local stations. No more! Oh, just great! I want to know who or what thought this was a good idea.
I watch my favorite tv shows online. If it's a live show, that I can not stream (Like Dancing With The Stars) I end up watching it on tv. It's horrible. My laptop is getting a real work out. Most days my tv and converter box stay unplugged. If I do plug them up, I try to watch tv, but after 5 mins I just say "Ahhh fuck it". The only station that comes in clear with no problems is NBC. I miss PBS badly.
Well if you like watching green squares and having the image jump, digital broadcast is the way to go. If a signal was bad with analog, you got something, but with digital a poor signal doesn't mean snowy picture, it means unwatchable. I can't figure what happens that makes a good image go so bad so quickly. What is it? Sunspots? Actually I think it's the cable people who knew digital broadcast would suck.
After trying FIVE different antennas, I can usually "receive" 21 channels. Three are religious, one's a shopping channel, one's full time weather, four are Spanish.
Of the remaining channels, only TWO come in reliably (usually). The rest are a barf colored crossword puzzle most of the time. If I flip a light switch or get up and walk around or turn an appliance on or off it often breaks up the reception.
Thanks, Feds, for forcing this sack of ass on us. Do you own Comcast stock or something?
Merry Christmas! Let the new year will bring a lot of money
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When I heard about this TV "improvement", I went out of my way to get a converter box & a digital capable TV. I (along with who knows how many other people) was subjected to a mandatory system where channels that (if they came in at all) keep going in & out & on & off. No matter how many different antennas I try & no matter how expensive or "advanced" they are, the best antenna I've found still doesn't solve the problem. However snowy analog pictures were, they were steady &, even if they weren't crystal fuckin' (can I use that word here?) clear, I could still follow what was going on.
Not anymore--not after this digital signal transition sick joke!!! Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, one of the connectors from the converter box got stuck in the TV jack & I CAN'T GET IT OUT!!!
I don't have a car, a driver's license or a lot of money, so bringing the TV somewhere to be fixed or getting another one (assuming I could even get one now that satisfies the needs of my set-up) is no small task. I'm now forced to use the digital signal setting (I made sure to get a TV that was switchable from one mode to the other), but several basic channels (CBS, NBC, FOX, WOR 9) simply do not come in, no matter how many scans I do, no matter how much I adjust the antenna. Even the channels that do come in (ABC, CW & sometimes PBS) are less than reliable, especially late at night. There are 2 new channels I've noticed that are CW (11) affiliates in this area. They're decent channels, I guess, but I'd trade them back in a second to have my analog signal back, just so I wouldn't have to spend my life fiddlin' with my antenna just to be able to do something as simple in the 21st fuckin' century as watch TV!!!!!
LOL, does Digital TV suck? You betchya! Read about all the expense and hassle I had to go through to get mine to work. I wrote this over a year ago, and believe it or not, nothing's really improved. Stations drop constantly, especially due to weather. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks-- need I mention that it sucks?!
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