Friday, January 30, 2009

Hmmm.. I have 2 followers on this blog!

That surprised me a little. Followers of my rants. All I can say is.... "readers! I have readers!!" Just kidding. I just want to say this is where I let crap hang out so if you want to live a positive life, I'm not so sure you should follow this particular blog. But you're more than welcome to, if you want.

And I have a little rant or two today.... or maybe they qualify as comments. I'm not sure.

That CEO who apologized for redecorating his office for over a million bucks and said he should have paid for it himself. He is so far removed from the little guys he doesn't have a clue. Can you imagine how some unemployed homeless people might feel when hearing that. When hearing he should have taken his own 1.2 million dollars and paid for the redecoration... and they've been paying 21-25% interest on citibanks credit cards so that the CEO could get millionS as a bonus. Hearing crap like that when needing a bailout to stay in business so that he can redecorate again in a couple of years.

I caught just a few minutes of Charlie Rose interviewing former president Jimmy Carter. We had similar opinions. He also thinks Bush will go down as the worse president ever (at least in foreign affairs) and he is very glad Obama is president. (Carter is just too nice to be in politics.) He didn't think there should be any criminal actions taken against the Bush administration... but I'm not so sure. Who knows what deeds lay hidden in the back of the files.

Carter also didn't believe Reagan deserves the title of outstanding president, as some claim him to be.... that he didn't do anything outstanding as president. I agree. I couldn't figure out why people heralded (?ed) him to be so great. He started the economic downfall. This doesn't mean he didn't do okay for an actor, but outstanding? I don't see it.

And former governor Blogojevich.... What a classic example of how men use denial to try to get out of being caught red handed. Its classic. Just keep denying it no matter that the police caught you with stolen goods or drugs in your pocket. Just keep denying it when your wife walks in to see you naked in the bed with another woman. "Its not what you think!" BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHA. I wonder how his arrogance will fair when the criminal investigation becomes a trial. Of course, it all depends upon who's on the jury, will they take a bribe, or can he use his boyish charms to get out of this one. I mean who knows what will happen. OJ Simpson showed what can happen with a jury.

They say if you're innocent, request a trial by judge. If you're guilty go with a jury.


flutterby said...

I've catching up on some of your past rants and have to say with this one you and I are in complete agreement on Reagan. I have never understood why this man has been hailed as a good president. In addition to the negatives you listed, let's not forget his little Granada war. What WAS that all about? At least it didn't escalate into a years-long debacle.

Sue J said...

Reagan was known in our family as 'Custard Brains'. He was a crap actor too.