Monday, January 11, 2010

Get Yer Fluff Piece Here!


I guess what I've been hearing about Fox News is true. I don't watch it, so I can't say for myself, but news has it that they have signed Sarah Palin to present fluff reports. Inspirational stories, etc. Fluff. You know.

No bias there.

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA. Well good luck to her. Who knows. Maybe she'll become the conservatives' Oprah.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Notice (Addendum added)

This blog will be deleted in a few days.*

I find myself cringing a little each time I open it. I think its because its all negative... no balance. I've been known to praise technology on one day and then bitch about it on another. This blog would only contain the bitching. You know, out of balance.

I'm going to get a notebook and put all my bitching in it, then no one else needs to be exposed to it and every so often I can destroy the evidence. Cause you know. I'm such a sweet person.

*Addendum: I will be rethinking about keeping this blog going because of a couple of comments from people. What is more important? Being honest in my presentation or having people think I'm boring? I mean 'nice'. I guess the bottom line is that if people don't want to be exposed to bitching, they won't come here.

I don't plan on taking any action right now. I'll see how it goes. I know I enjoy reading blogs written by people who are real. Sigh. I don't know. I guess it stays for now.

Friday, January 1, 2010

I Want My Life Back, Damn it!

I'm tired of being a mother. A mother is someone you use when you're down on your luck or are just plain lazy. I want motherhood to stop. And lets not even talk about pretending to be a grandmother. I simply do not have it in me to be something I'm not... and I'm not a kids person. I've tried. I have sincerely tried, but its not gonna happen. I seem to expect a child to listen to adults and do what they are told to do........ snort. One of life's biggest jokes.

I want my life back. The life without live-ins, life without unruly rug rats. I want my car back. I want my bank account back. I want my apartment back. I WANT MY SANITY BACK!

And at this point, the odds of this happening are a gazillion to one against it.

oh yeah.... AND I'M TIRED OF WATCHING CARTOONS!! (However, my favorite is Jacob Two-two. I like the drawings. sigh.)

PS. I think two weeks is too long for school to be out... especially when there's continous rain so there's no playing outside. After winter break comes spring break, then summer break. crap.